Delivery dates:


December-04,11,18,23 (monday)

Every Wednesday until noon!

District/City Time
Vilijampolė, Žaliakalnis, Kalniečiai
Eiguliaiaround 10:00
Dainava, Petrašiūnaiaround 10:30
Zuikinė, Vaišvydavaaround 11:00
Panemune, Ž.Šančiaiaround 12:00
Aleksotas, Linksmadvaris, Juodelynė, Tirkiliškėsaround 12:30
Akademija, Ringaudaiaround 13:00

Additional information: Orders to Kaunas are accepted until 8:00 on the day of delivery.

Delivery dates:

January 30 February 13,27 March 13,27

Every second Thursday!

Vilnius itinerary:

Additional information: we don’t go to the Old Town or the city centre, only the main streets in the gardens! Deviations of up to 0.5 km from the listed streets.

City/Region Time
Lentvaris (to the railway), Grigiskes08:00
Vaidotai, Juodšiliai, Eišiškių pl.08:30
Kirtimai (Darius-Girėno, Metalo, Geologų, Dobkevičiaus str.)09:00
Naujininkai, Naujamiestis, Žvėrynas (up to Narbuto street, without Paribio street)
Šnipiškės (Kalvarijos street in the market area), Lvovo, Rinktinės, Tuskulėnų, Minties, Apkasų, Treinis streets, Š.Miestelis, Žirmūnų street, Kalvarijų street.10:30
Baltupiai, Jerusalem, D. Riese, Pagube Gardens, Balsiai, Kryžiokai, Ožkiniai11:00
Visorių g., Lazdynėliai12:30
Nemėžis, Skaidiškės, Rudamina14:00
Rūdiškės, Paluknis, Šventininkai, Old Trakai, Trakai16:00
Vievis, Elektrėnai17:00

The delivery time is indicative and may vary by ± 0.5 hours.

Delivery dates:

January 24 February 07,21 March 07,21

Every second Friday!
Vilnius itinerary:

Additional information: we don’t go to the Old Town or the city centre, only the main streets in the gardens! Deviations of up to 0.5 km from the listed streets.


Bukiškis, Avižieniai9:00
Zujūnai, Pilaitė, Salote, Platiniškiai10:00
Lazdyėliai (Šiltnamių, Lazdynų, Jonažolių str.), Lazdynai, Karoliniškės11:00
Viršuliškės, Pašilaičiai, Fabijoniškės, Šeškinė, Žvėrynas (Paribio street)11:30
Žalgirio, Tuskulėnų, Kalvarijų (up to Treinio Street), Verkių (up to Kareivių Street), Š.Miestelis, Antakalnis12:00
Pupojai, Galgiai, N.Vilnia, Pavilnys, Guriiai, Kalnėnai13:30
Naujamiestis, Savanorių pr.14:30
Old and New  Trakų pl.,LentvarisGrigiškės15:00
 Vievis, Elektrėnaiuntil 16:00

The delivery time is indicative and may vary by ± 0.5 hours.

Delivery dates:

February 04,18  March 04,18

Klaipėda route (every second Tuesday)

Delivery to the following cities: Klaipėda, Palanga, Kretinga, Plungė, Šiauliai, Radviliškis

Bookings for these cities are accepted no later than 15:00. the working day before the agreed delivery date.

Detailed route  Klaipėda and beyond

Every second Tuesday at the time indicated:

Klemiskė, Slengiai, Trušeliai09:00
Alksnynė, Gedminai, Naujakiemis10:30
Pempininkai, Old Town11:00
Trinity, Station12:00
Giruliai, Kretingos g., Tauralaukis, Kalote12:30
Palanga, Sventoji13:30
Telšiai (pick up at Sedos 24 business incubator)15:00
Šiauliai :Basanavičiaus,Tilžės,Dubijos,Architektų,Gegužiasi,Verduliukai,Serbentų str.16:30
Radviliskis -by PC Maxima17:30

Additional information:

  • The delivery time is indicative and may vary by +/- 0.5 hours.

Delivery dates:

January-31 February 14,28  March  14,28 (Daugavpils  01/31  ; 02/28 ; 03/28)

Every second Friday

Note Time
To Utena, Zarasai – if the total order quantity exceeds 100 kg

Delivery dates:

 March 10(monday),25 April  08,22

Every second Tuesday

Delivery points


RIGA:  Vienibas gatve 113 ,Parking ShC MAXIMA
            Elijas iela 21,LKF                         11:30-12:00
             Berzaunes 13/1 back yard ShC  DOMINA (near Ace Groom) 12:30-13:30

Delivery dates:

   March 06,20 April 03,17

Every second Thursday


to wholesalers

Kekava Virši
Kekava (Petrol station VIRŠI on the road to Bauska)




Delivery dates:



Every Wednesday

Note Time
Also to Druskininkai, Marijampole, Vilkaviskis, Pilviskis, Kazlų Rūda, if the order quantity to that city exceeds 50 kg

Delivery dates:

Every Friday

I. Placing an order:

  • You can order the products in our online shop or by calling the phone number below.
  • We guarantee delivery if you place your order before 15:00 on the working day before the day of arrival
  • The buyer is informed of the delivery by phone 10-15 minutes before the delivery.
  • If you need a purchase document (to justify the costs, or to pay by bank transfer), please specify in the order that you need a VAT invoice
  • If the buyer does not answer the call, the courier goes to the next buyer and never comes back.
  • The time allowed for customer service is 5 minutes.

II. Deliverable quantities, prices and deadlines

  • The minimum order quantity is 10 kg.
  • Delivery is made to the address you specify: the front door of your house (apartment block, office) or the fence gate of your property.(Only for Lithuania)
  • Delivery is chargeable.
  • Delivery price: in Kaunas, Prienai, Jonava – 3,00 Eur; in other cities – 5,00 Eur.
  • Choose your delivery time and place by clicking on the arrow on the route link below
  • III.For Latvian buyers only:
  • Deivery is made only to three places in Riga(Vienibas 113,Elijas 21,Berzaunes 13/1)
  • Delivery coasts :10-20 kg-5 Eur,21-50kg-0,25 Eur/kg,51 kg ad more-0,2 Eur/kg

+Daugavpils February 28,March 28